One good looking baby boy
Really loving this show prospect son of Lincoln and Yoko. He's just a little over 6 weeks of age and is showing tremendous potential. He...
Introducing CH Brendackel v Tudorglen Joyeux Noel MS
Sire-GCHG Minidogland Lincoln Dam-CH Longonloving's Child of the Sun (Yoko) Noelle finished with a 4pt major at the Oakland Kennel Club...
San Diego was good to us!
Today is the perfect opportunity to brag about Maddie's wins at the San Diego Dachshund Club. At the AM show under esteemed and respected...
The genetics are far reaching...
Thought I would share some photos of a young Lincoln grandson that was shown at this year's Westminster Kennel Club. The dog is CH...
Our girl does well at Westminster 2019!
Westminster Kennel Club 2019-what an incredible experience thus far. History in the making for our beloved breed. Today I'm feeling...
And we just got the invite!
For those of you not familiar with The Westminster Kennel Club protocol on entering, the invite is a beautiful thing. The top five dogs...